Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

March 14, 2008

All in the day of a miracle!

Just by the title of the post, can you hardly imagine it?

We can't, but will take it!

Our visit was the best ever. The doctor came in to the room with tears in her eyes, I thought to myself, Oh, NO. Here we go. But she instead just gave me a huge hug and said, "Call it what you want but everything is perfect."

We have two brains, hold the fluid. Two everything except for hands and feet and fingers and toes. Everything is where it was to be and to their surprised they were able to get great pictures of the hearts and there are four chambers each, and good flow. No signs of heart problems yet. They saw the three veins in the cords and out of the placenta to the babies.

They also discovered that in fact we could have possibly had a set of identical twins in the making the due to a "fluid" sac seen again since conception, it was originally seen the first weeks of our IVF however it shrank and we didn't think again of it. It has now grown and though could cause an issue later down the road is not a issue now. Today the moment is where we live so we are taking that. My head did spin in the thoughts that we would have had triplets, and I really was going to put three eggs back but at the last minute went with two because the doctor was very clear of the possibility that the two were in good shape and could in fact split.

The other discovery is that the placentas have appeared to stuck together, rather they have completely fused we don't know but will have more on that at our next level 2 ultrasound on April, 11th. Kick in the pants is that is my birth day and the week that we got the definite diagnosis on Aubrey.

We are going to get echo's on the babies in May also.

I don't know where this will take us, but I do know that the Lord fixed this issue with the nuchal cord. It is now normal and they both looked amazing.

The greatest gift we received today was that our hope was restored and it couldn't have come a minute to soon.

The other bit of info we received is that we know for sure that baby a is a girl from the CVS done three weeks ago, but she is taking a guess and leaning towards girl for baby b also!

What do we think of two girls...we haven't stop smiling!

Pictures will be coming soon of the babies. Baby a is just where Anneleise was and baby b is laying just like Aubrey. It was very dejavue today.

~just a thought...but is spell check down again?'s saying no spelling errors but some words just don't look right.~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fabulous news!!!