Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

June 21, 2008

I'm Late, I'm Late...

Much like the Mad Hatter in Alice and Wonderland, I have a million things that need finished and a million to start and very little time, money, help to do it in.


Sorry about my luck? Yeah me too. This weekend has yet been another week of hard work keeping these two inside. Someone wants out, I think she may win.

If I can make it to next week I will be shocked. Today although I'm not supposed to be doing much I moved all over the house, I couldn't sit or lay still for very long. Never having true labor with the girls, I did have some pre term labor and know the difference but let me tell you ...these are the real thing, the real McCoy, genuine Bill Cosby's definition of labor pains.

I know I will still be here next week, there are too many people working on this project and more options we have resorted too to think we are at the end yet, however, there is a very ashamed side of me (the one experiencing all the pain from adhesion's, high amino fluid on both the girls, and sickness from the medications) that would like to just say "I'm done." "They have to be better off out than in , how can I feel so horrible and they still thrive and remain safe?"

With prayer and my previous experience in the NICU and medical field I know and will continue to fight to keep them where they need to be. I'm not kidding though, between 32 and 34 weeks if no one has shown their faces yet...they are getting served an eviction notice and it won't be the nice kind either...their placenta's and all are out on the curb!

I'm hoping that things calm, I have to go to the Dr's in the morning now due to all the activity tonight so maybe, my outlook will be revived and I could at least give the girls a week notice before booting their precious little bums out.

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