Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

June 29, 2008


I'm still pregnant.

I love my babies and will continue this fight to keep them in.

They, these girls are insanely active.

They are grounded until they are at least 12 years old.

Enough said.


Carole said...

You are an amazing trooper. Hoping that everything continues to go well for you and girls. Thinking of you always...

Unknown said...

Go Whitney Go!!! Keep them In!!
You are doing a Wonderful Job!!
Great Mom You Are!!

Tanaya said...

I am so impressed! You are hanging in there even when those two are wrestling around in your tummy. Just one more month to go and they'll be out of the danger zone... keep cooking little dumplings, keep cooking. And, if you'd be so kind, give your mommy a break now and then. ;-)