Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

June 04, 2008

Pictures coming soon!

I had a good appointment with the high risk doctor yesterday and I just wanted to let everyone know that he prayers are being heard, and things are doing well for the babies. I hope to update better and in more detail but for the moment we are just wiped out. Anneleise has gotten a horrible little virus that has had her very sick since Saturday and after a 16 hour ER visit she was admitted.

Ugh my Priller blessings....what can I say.

Everything is hanging the same with little bed rest over the last four days my blood pressure now is creeping and the contraction are stronger but they have reduced in number and the bleeding has stopped.

My kidney function has all but became manageable now to work on the out of control sugars and nausea.

They girls are 2.6 and 2.8 give or take a bit and very, very active. My doctor said, "my prayers for you are getting answered,but back on bed rest you hear!"

Again lets continue to hope and pray for the 31 week and that my "Toxoplasmosis" is negative. On Mothers day Anneleise gave me a horrible mess for Mothers Day and finger painted my bathroom wall with litter and had it everywhere, we both are being tested being that she has gotten so very sick over the last four days with an "unknown" virus. For me this could prove to bring more worry but at least it is known. Go figure.

Out baby "a" is so stubborn, so was Anneleise, we have hardly no pictures of her with Ultrasound, the tech has tried with these girls and no real luck all I know about her is that she has a cute ear, a chubby rump and has no trouble touching her toes!, of course I have amazing pictures of our baby "b".

Again, the financial stress of the the last week has used our monies up to prepare for the girls this week so hopefully there will be extras soon and as for names we are getting close.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just noticed this space here, I am so happy with your news. Keep it up I have 2 more weeks come on you can do it. Great going with the names I thought I was the only one giving my girls long an necessary names, great for Lizzy and Emmie, sorry couldn't memo all.
Praying for Annalise.
