Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

April 15, 2008

The game.

Whoa, we both can add stamina to our list of traits that we have learnt since the conception and birth of our daughters...

Thinking that I was the stronger of the two of us, I forsake the love and devotion that Tom has as father to his children and the name game is really not even half as much fun as the last time we played it.

I think that I may win on Emmaleigh Rowan or Amelia Rowan or Eliza Rowan Jeanette, however I may have to slide and let Heidi in the mix somewhere.

In the grand scheme of things I don't have the stamina that I thought I had, i just want these two little girls to get here safe and sound. I want to end our pregnancy worries, nightmares, stress, financial exhorting. I feel like I can't even imagine what it will be like to have a tiny baby in my arms again, not to have to leave someone behind. I have some pictures of Anneleise and I , I have some memories but honestly it was all a blur...a bittersweet dream with some Shakespearean tragedies in the story. I can't remember where I have been sometimes. I look at Anneleise and I almost shocked she is mine.

The road to her and her sister was so long, so hard so endless. I am stronger this time, but stronger in a way that isn't good, I shouldn't be able to stare fear in the face and say boo!, to walk right into it with little respect but cower in the shadows of the new life I have inside of me right now.

I think it has happen, I have done all I can but it happened. I have fell in love with my daughters. I want them to have names, I am getting excited for their arrival, way so overwhelmed, but very excited.

1 comment:

The Goddess G said...

I triple love all the names you are considering right now. I had to grind Jonathan down for names too. He would reject ones I had...but not come up with anything on his own. I love the name Rowan!