Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

April 13, 2008

Things are good, right?

Well the office visit went well. We got to see some crazy pictures of our daughters. Yeap, there are two girls lurking in there causing all the havoc.

Baby "a" was opening her mouth and kicking her sister. Far different than our last pregnancy where our Baby "b" took over the womb, hey who's kidding my body too and ruled her sister. Baby "b" we got great pictures of her feet and hands, she is very active also, a bit more shy than "a". Baby "a"as of Friday has taken on a better position. Baby "b" is just hanging out, already very high up in my gut.

The visit wouldn't be a visit if there was not something to have us worried. So this is the newest cases with the girls.

Baby "b" has these "plexes, cycts like" things in her brain. Altough they are connected to Trisomy 18, they are often found when that alone is all that is seen. Her hands are open, her feet are fine, her nose and lips appear normal. The doctor said herself that two of her three children had the very same thing and they are fine. She did not recommend us doing any further testing at this point. She says she is not concerned at this point of our pregnancy. Baby"b" pee'd, we watched it , sorta cool.

Baby "a" is looking good, have to say that some of the pictures we got were a little scary, although they looked so different on the actual screen, she just wouldn't stay still. Our worry for her is fluid on the right kidney.

Both bellies of the girls are a tad larger than other measurements, however both are same. We are considering the chances of pregnancy indueced diabetes. Lovely.

So they gave me procardia 10mg for preterm labor, I am contracting, nothing cervix changing and not 6 an hour which is what they use as Gold's Rule, but they are present. The ol' cervix was doing good. I have gotten the meds filled for an emergency,however I am just trying to take it a little easier until the next visit on the 14th of May for the echo of thier hearts.

We go to the general OB on the 30th of this month.

So I got some pictures, will try to get them up. Over all Friday was my 39th birthday and it couldn't been better.

Please keep praying for our girls, and throw a few in for Tom and I too if you can spare them.

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