Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

April 02, 2008

Two in one week??

What's up?

Yeah I go weeks with nothing, well there was a lot to write about, but frankly, I hate to think even more write ahead of myself with our history. Two steps forward in the past definitely paves three backwards. But that was then, and these babies are all of their own. So.

If all continues to go well we are two days short of being half way through the pregnancy.

Gulp. Err. Crap. I mean crap in a good way, like Holy Cow!

I have tried to restrain myself from getting my giddy self up but it is starting to show it's self so I think I must cave in and start enjoying where we are in the pregnancy and planning and hoping for a bright future.

One that note I took out the "3". It has been a joke, source of arguments etc, in our house for years. The "3" is the three baby name books that I have read, re-read, marked, highlighted, written over, folded the corners...well, you get the idea.

I used to start with the first pregnancy test. Since 13 miscarriages, we have waited to at least heart beats. After our last pregnancy, I am reluctant but anxious to get this started.

"How hard is it really?"

Picking our girls names out was the most very hardest thing. I wanted so much, but I really wanted to see them first. I am lucky that Tom is very active in our pregnancy and in the things like buying the babies things and the room. What has become unfortunate for me is he is very involved with their names too.

After only hashing this out a hour, I ended the conversation thinking, I really could care a less if theses babies have a father. Well, I know this sounds bad and I really don't feel that way but honestly he is so old school with things like names.

If it doesn't ooze pink he doesn't like it, then there is a the whole rhyming game. He rhymes it, if it rhymes to something stupid or bad it is out.

Then there are the names that I think sound like porno names. I don't do porno, so I an only guessing, but I don't want to take that chance.

So we have commenced the baby name triathlon. The first round which is about 3 -4 weeks long is everything we ever liked. We may have known someone, heard it at work, ate a dish called never know what will perk our ears up. It ends with each of our tops, throwing out each of our no~ways. I have to say that there have been a few that I was like no way but after hearing it a while was able to pass it on to the next step. We are not reality tv people, but this is very idolish.

The second round can last well close to delivery, this is where we hash out first, middle etc. . It can get ugly, feelings can get hurt, but hey it is our babies name. They will have to use that name to get jobs, married, become is important.

The third round in the last pregnancy was quick. I became very focused on just staying pregnant and preparing many people for the possibility of what was to come that I really was like, "I don't care what we call them I just want them to live!"

I have however informed Tom tonight that this time around I have stamina, experience and I am able to focus more on this this time so don't slack or I will prevail. Slacking being his strongest quality, I am counting on winning this triathlon in all events. First names, middle names and well, he sorta get credit for the Last.

So in today's round here are the results:

Tom's choice's ~ Heidi and Rebeca My choice's ~ Charliegh and Georgia and Charlotte

Prayers are still needed we still have two babies who are working on growing and becoming healthy and strong. I have been very nervous and a bit, err really crabby at times so he could use some help with patience with me I'm sure. I just really want the strength and knowledge to be a better mom to Anneleise and these little ones. I do try to make the days fly by but I do think about them and love them so.

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