Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

July 06, 2008


Rumor has it that is what the fourth of July sounded like.

Wouldn't know we were home in bed by 9 ish. Anneleise didn't like the fireworks and her and Tom came home and she was out like a light.

The girls didn't like the storm that washed through here this weekend they have been crazy and I have been contracting like crazy.

Oh, how I want them to be safe and healthy, but it is truly getting harder each day. I am trying not to think about it, however constant contractions are a reminder I can't over look. The terbutaline is getting my sugar so high and making me feel crappy at best.

I have to say to feel this bad I wonder truly if my babies are okay. I am starting to have a lot of anxiety over the condition of the girls. I hope and pray that it is all nothing and will be senseless worry on my part.


Carole said...

Continuing to pray that the girls are growing strong and healthy. You truly are an awesome mom! Thinking of you and praying for you always.

Bethany Wurdeman said...

Whitney I think of you everyday and you are in my prayers. You are doing a Great Job!! It is so hard but everyday in your tummy is best. It will be over soon and then you will be up all night and day with 2 little beautiful girls crying and eating!! LOL
Thanks for keeping us updated.