Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

January 14, 2008

Hey, Hey Babies!

Here they are, all our hopes,dreams, sweat and tears. Today could not have been any better when we found two heart beats on our babies.

Our due dates are September the 7th and the 8th. So we will have to see.

As for now , I do have much to worry about, however today we are just rejoicing in the power of prayer. I didn't think I could have prayed any harder this week, but I thinking I am about to get the challenge.

For those who are just now joining us on this journey, you will learn fast that with every good there will follow a bad, negative etc. The doctor found on the ultrasound today a decent size sac of fluid, there was nothing in it so it was fluid. For a moment, my heart stopped and sank to my feet, was this blood? Was this an impending hemorrhage like with the girls?

We were told that they see this a good bit and not to worry. What ever. Some Mom's worry when they are in the wheel chair getting wheeled out of the hospital, I worry the day of conception, heck I start worrying the day I ovulate!

So if you are wondering what you can do to help us. Pray, pray for us and them. The next 31 weeks are going to be long and stressful and scary more than anything else.

These are some of the thoughts today I have had.

We only have 15 paydays before the babies are here.

30 week ends with just our family as we know it.

30 weeks to remove a multitude of sin from the spare room, which isn't really a spare room but a needed storage area and a multi purpose room.

We have really a bit less than the 31 weeks , because that will get us to 37 weeks and we can't go longer than that because of my last section. This we will see, but I remain hopeful that theses two little babies, behave, remain where they are until they are healthy and strong, at which time they can come when they want.

The next few weeks are full of appointments. We go back to the clinic on the 21st for a scan and update of the sac, then we see our Ob on the 23rd, the high risk perinatologist on the 24th, after our last pregnancy, everyone is on alert. I'd like to think it is because they care so, but the truth is that after our history, I know they are just wanting to get a jump ahead on any crisis.

This will be the last time I post of the possibility of impending crisis. We will remain positive.

I know the possibilities are there, after you are the statistics for so long, it is hard to wrap your head around being the simple, because life is never simple after being a statistic.

Thank you everyone who are praying for us. It really means a lot and I do believe it makes all the difference.

Somethings I have learnt is : 1. The Lord is the ultimate physician~through him all things are possible~He has great things planned for us and none are to harm us~all in his perfect time~if it is meant to be, it will be.


On that note we just got a call from the regular Ob and they have said. Unless it is a sac from an unfertilized embryo ( its not we only put two in and we have two heartbeats) then it probably is a bleed.

But I will remain positive.


Anonymous said...

ZOMG congratulations!!! I'm so glad to hear that I was wrong about the antibiotics :D

I bled too at 6w and again at what, 12w? I'm really hoping this is it for you, that these two little tykes are just making room for themselves and the bleeding is just a bit of uterine stretching.


The Goddess G said...

Whitney...the babes are beautiful! I am praying so hard for you...praying for them...and praying for Tom.

May God give you comfort and peace during this time.

Thinking of you always.
With Love,