Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

January 02, 2008

Testing day ~ Officially.

I have been very sick for the past two days, but I actually got sicker once I left the clinic waiting for the results. I know this is like comparing apples to hamburger, but this phone call was like waiting for a call to tell you if you were going to live or die.

The best phone call you can get on this wonderful ride of infertility and pregnancy loss is the call I got today. At 1:51 pm on January 2nd 2007 it is official ~ We are pregnant.

Our Hcg (pregnancy hormone level) was 214. We go back on Friday for another test.

And the craziness starts. If the levels go up the pregnancy is doing well, they can begin to gauge (purely estimate) the viability of the pregnancy. If the numbers drop. Well then that means that one or all of the embryos are not going to probably survive the pregnancy. Once the levels are up to or about 1200 they can probably see something on ultrasound. This will tell us if we are having one, two, three or four.

Depending on this result we will test on the following Monday. And the same rule of thumb sort of follows.

If you are wondering what you could do to help us through this period of uncertainty, fear and worry...Pray, pray real hard for these lil' ones. Pray they like where they are, pray that they are healthy, pray that we can make it through this together. Pray that in 36 weeks and 6 days we not only meet these delicate testaments to life, but they come home with us for a very, very long time.


coco said...


Congrats! I am so happy for you. Hope your levels continue to go up and you keep these babies!! How exciting! How many eggs did they put in?


Anonymous said...

danicing and praising god for His wonderfully made baby(ies) in your belly!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Whit! I am so happy for y'all!

Okay, we are next.... Keep your fingers crossed and prayers said!

I just can't stop smiling for you, Whit! I know how much this means to your family!

Love you,

Debbie said...

Congratulations Whitney,
I am so so pleased for you
Fantastic news

Lots of love Debbiexxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing, my
God four. I think I am dealing with 2 it is not pretty I have to say. No wonder you are so sick, girl. Felicitaciones!!!!I am so happy for you. Last night I felt movement for the first time, very weird, made me think of you, I so wanted this to happen for you. Praying this minute for you.