Rebeka Elizabeth Maycee and Brennah Atlynd Brooke

January 22, 2008

Wasn't I just here yesterday?

Okay, are you tired yet? I am, seems like I just get over one stressful worry filled night to get a reprieve and back to stress and fret again. Not only my anxiety, are you all tired of me asking for prayers? I hope not because that is what we need right now. When I told you that this would be a long 30 weeks, I wasn't kidding. I have to say that I do feel as though the Lord is giving me strength that I am surprised that I have.

An example of this is that I am trying to talk Tom into not finding out the sex of the twins. As long as they can give me some reassurance that they are healthy and going to be okay, I really don't think I need to know. I guess after our last pregnancy, that is really all that matters. The things that I thought were so important like the nursery, clothes, perfect housing arrangements etc...well, didn't help in the end. Didn't make me love them any more, any less. So in the spirit of child birth and faith, if I can get one wish, let me know that they are both perfectly healthy. After that I can wait like all the mothers in 50's and 70's.

We have about 6 weeks to go to be out of some initial danger. Everyday pregnancy can be potential danger until that baby is in your arms, but on the positive note that I just know will be the journey this pregnancy is going to take ( believe , believe, believe...)we need to get to to 14~16 week at which time they can be more reassured that we are past the highest risk of miscarriage, and that our babies have a diaphragm, that they are no general markers for syndromes...etc. Okay , the reality of all that is going through my head is bring down my positive thoughts so enough of this.

I will be praying, hope you guys will say a few for us too.

Hope to get a picture in the morning...check us out tomorrow.

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